1.- steroid: any of a large group of fat-soluble organic compounds, as the sterols, bile acids, and sex hormones, most of which have specificphysiological action.
Sentence: Many friends have consume steroids to look muscular.
source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/steroid?s=t
2.- Purge: to cause evacuation of the bowels of (a person).
Sentence: A friend have purge yesterday because he felt fat.
source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/purging
3.- Binge: a period or bout, usually brief, of excessiveindulgence, as in eating, drinking alcoholicbeverages, etc.; spree.
Sentence: Normally when people are stressed they binge.
4.- Obesity: the condition of being very fat or overweight;corpulence:
Sentence: Normally when people are stressed they binge.
4.- Obesity: the condition of being very fat or overweight;corpulence:
Sentence: I meet a guy that eat everyday and as a consequence he have a problem of obesity.
5.- Anorexia: Loss of appetite and inability to eat
Sentence: some times when I don't have appetite I believe I have problems of anorexia.
6.- Bulimia: habitual disturbance in eatingbehavior mostly affecting young women ofnormal weight, characterized by frequentepisodes of grossly excessive food intake followedby self-induced vomiting to avert weight gain.
Sentence: when I was sick I vomit a lot and my parents thought that I have problems of bulimia.
7.- Manorexia: ?
Sentence: ?
8.- bigorexia:
5.- Anorexia: Loss of appetite and inability to eat
Sentence: some times when I don't have appetite I believe I have problems of anorexia.
6.- Bulimia: habitual disturbance in eatingbehavior mostly affecting young women ofnormal weight, characterized by frequentepisodes of grossly excessive food intake followedby self-induced vomiting to avert weight gain.
Sentence: when I was sick I vomit a lot and my parents thought that I have problems of bulimia.
7.- Manorexia: ?
Sentence: ?
8.- bigorexia:
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