martes, 22 de abril de 2014

                                                                                                            April 22, 2014
CNN News editor
Atlanta, GA

Dear sir or madam,
                     We all know the mystery of the airplane that was lost in Malaysia. I think that this is a tragic that no one deserves, as everyone deserves to know the truth. I think that this is the worst thing a family can experience, because the family that lost a son, brother, father, etc. They don’t know if they are going to find the body or what riley happened with the airplane.           
                On a report that you did a few days ago the reporter Nic Robertson said that the responsible of the "criminal act" was the pilot or someone else aboard, what He is saying it’s not the truth, no one knows who was the responsible. You are doing bias, you are saying things that are not the truth and you want that the people believe thing that you want. You said the “investigators”, who are the investigators, with what evidence the “investigators” blame people.
               I recommend you to say the things how riley are, if not you are going to have problems. You are blaming passengers who what riley are the victims. I think that it’s disrespect for his families. So please don’t do more bias!


Gerald Fox                                

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